Discover our Code of Conduct

Utilizing Social Media and Communicating Responsibly

At Sanofi, we ensure that our stakeholders can hear from and engage with us, including through social media and digital platforms. We recognize this requires us to communicate responsibly and are fully committed to doing so.

At Sanofi, we use diverse communication channels to support our purpose of advancing the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. Our communications include social media and other public digital platforms. Such platforms can include corporate Sanofi accounts that spotlight our initiatives, accounts that provide scientific information related to our products and therapeutic areas, accounts from company leaders and spokespeople, and accounts managed by individual Sanofi employees. We are committed to ensuring that our activities on these platforms take place in a responsible manner in alignment with industry standards and applicable regulations, including ensuring good promotional practices.

The content published by dedicated and trained teams on corporate accounts reflects our values and our culture. The information we provide is accurate, authentic, and timely. It is designed to be accessible and engaging to diverse stakeholders and communities while encouraging participation and interaction.

How we Maximize Opportunities

  • By sharing our values, commitments, activities, and scientific information with individuals and stakeholders around the world, Sanofi builds awareness of our purpose, inspires collaboration that drives innovation, and shares accurate, swift, and targeted information to those in need.
  • By learning from and taking stock of what we receive from individuals and stakeholders via social media and digital platforms, including recommendations to strengthen Sanofi as well as improved capturing and reporting of product complaints and adverse events.
  • By empowering patients and those with valuable experience or expertise regarding Sanofi’s products and services to share their stories in a manner that supports human health.
  • By empowering our employees and business partners to engage with, learn from, and contribute to their communities in a responsible and compliant manner.

How we Minimize Risks

  • We prioritize responsible engagement in all uses of social media and digital platforms.
  • We maintain an active pharmacovigilance monitoring of our social media channels, ensuring any adverse events or product technical complaints are promptly reported to meet worldwide safety requirements.
  • We do not permit our employees or business partners to share or comment on confidential information using social media or public digital platforms, and we require them to use good judgement and always reflect Sanofi’s values when engaging on social media.
  • We are vigilant about user privacy, and transparent about our use of personal data.
  • We ensure our stakeholders can clearly identify information issued by Sanofi, especially when published by a business partner on our behalf.