Discover our Code of Conduct

Accelerating Research and Development with Scientific Integrity

At Sanofi, we are committed to conducting our research and development activities with integrity and providing relevant information transparently to facilitate the proper use of our products.

Sanofi seeks to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives by prioritizing scientific integrity in all aspects of our work. This means conducting our research and development with the right motivations, in a manner that upholds our ethical principles, and in accordance with applicable regulatory, medical and scientific standards. Such an approach enhances our capabilities and builds trust between Sanofi and our stakeholders, positioning us to drive sustainable innovation.

How we Maximize Opportunities

  • By embracing the highest standards of scientific integrity in our research, Sanofi attracts and maintains talent and partners that allow us to bring forward new products and services that save lives, underpin our purpose, and fuel our sustained growth.
  • By committing to publicly disclosing accessible information on our clinical trials and their results, Sanofi builds trust with patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, and the scientific community.
  • By utilizing Sanofi’s Bioethics Committee, when needed, with additional advice from an external Advisory Bioethics Committee, Sanofi helps to ensure our scientific and medical activities are conducted ethically and with integrity.

How we Minimize Risks

  • We conduct our research, preserving patients’ rights, and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical guidelines related to Good Research Practices, Good Laboratory Practices, and Good Clinical Practices.
  • We conduct our research with the intent to develop scientific knowledge that will benefit patients while advancing science and medicine.
  • We conduct internal reviews of any scientific information we deliver to the scientific community, healthcare providers, and to patients, to guarantee compliance with good scientific information practices.
  • We do not make false or misleading statements nor disseminate scientific information that inaccurately estimates the real value of the product or service and its role in helping the patient.
  • We ensure transparency and accountability in the presentation of research and publication of study results.
  • We do not undertake research or clinical trials as an inappropriate inducement for past or future sales.
  • We are committed to the welfare of animals and the protection of the environment in our research and development.
  • We routinely review and update Sanofi’s Bioethics Framework to guarantee the integrity of all our scientific and research activities.