Discover our Code of Conduct

Competing Freely and Fairly

Sanofi strives to deliver better outcomes for patients, communities, and stakeholders by providing groundbreaking therapies at the right time and for the right reasons. We support a level playing field in which companies freely and fairly chase the miracles of science without undue advantage.

Sanofi supports laws promoting fair competition and trade practice, as well as a vital ecosystem of innovation. We comply with all these laws wherever we do business and never attain competitive advantage through unethical or illegal business practices. This includes our commitment to never engage or appear to engage in the disparaging of our competitors, the imposition of restrictions on suppliers or customers, or an abuse of a dominant position in the market through improper agreements or any sort of collusion with competitors.

How we Maximize Opportunities

  • By competing freely and fairly, Sanofi upholds innovation, drives quality, and expands choice for patients, improving health outcomes and meeting the expectations of our stakeholders and society as a whole.
  • By supporting and advocating for a level playing field, Sanofi helps the best treatments reach the patients who need them while supporting the sustainability of our industry.
  • By advocating for and protecting intellectual property rights that are vital to upholding an ecosystem that rewards investment in innovation. Sanofi also recognizes that any dominant market position that results from such rights be respected by healthcare regulators through facilitating patient access.
  • By partnering with diverse stakeholders, as well as our trade association partners and conference organizers to uphold free and fair competition.

How we Minimize Risks

  • We rely on a strong network of experts around the world to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations upholding free and fair competition, and apply our ethical principles where laws may fall short to support a level playing field.
  • We prohibit our employees and business partners from pursuing activities with our competitors, suppliers, or customers that would result in Sanofi gaining an undue advantage.