Discover our Code of Conduct

Interacting with Stakeholders

Sanofi is committed to maintaining patient focus as well as acting with integrity, respect, legitimate intent, transparency, and accountability when interacting with stakeholders.

To fulfill Sanofi’s purpose, we must interact and partner with diverse stakeholders in the health ecosystem in numerous ways. These stakeholders include patients and patient organizations, caregivers, healthcare professionals, government officials, and scientific and technological organizations, among others. These exchanges are the lifeblood of biopharmaceutical innovation and patient access to our products and services. To advance patient care, our interactions with each stakeholder must align with Sanofi’s ethical principles. This includes sharing a patient and consumer focus and commitment to integrity, recognizing conflicts of interest, respecting mutual independence, embracing transparency, and holding ourselves accountable for the results of our interactions. Sanofi is also committed to productive public discourse and responsible political engagement with stakeholders on issues tied to our mission.

How we Maximize Opportunities

  • By fostering interactions with stakeholders that are based on trust and ethical principles, and by recognizing potential conflicts of interest, we strengthen the reliability of Sanofi’s performance as well as the sustainability of the health ecosystem in which we operate.
  • By interacting with patients, patient organizations and caregivers, we better understand patient needs as well as the impact of our products and services, utilizing those learnings to drive continuous improvement in our work.
  • By respectfully enabling connections among patients and caregivers to share their experiences and needs, we advance research and improve people’s lives.
  • By providing responsible scientific, educational, clinical, product, and policy information to diverse stakeholders, including patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and authorities, we improve patient care and support a level playing field for the innovative products and services we provide.
  • By utilizing appropriate marketing for our products and services, we help maximize benefits for health systems and patients.

How we Minimize Risks

  • We commit to proactively detecting, avoiding and/or mitigating conflicts of interest that may emerge during Sanofi’s interactions with stakeholders.
  • We observe clear ethical boundaries when interacting with patients and caregivers, individually and as part of patient organizations, respecting their autonomy and the voluntary nature of these interactions.
  • We ensure our financial and in-kind support for patient organizations is transparent and reflected in written agreements.
  • We interact with healthcare professionals in a transparent and professional manner, consistent with laws and regulations, and without offering or providing anything that could
    • (a) inappropriately influence prescribing practices or
    • (b) encourage inappropriate use of our products or services.
  • We inform healthcare professionals about the benefits and risks of our products and services to help advance appropriate prescribing and use by patients.
  • We organize or sponsor symposia, congresses, informational presentations, and other events for healthcare professionals and patient advocacy groups for the purpose of accurately informing them about scientific research as well as our products and services.
  • We ensure there is an appropriate bona fide business purpose for any engagement of an external expert stakeholder for consulting and/or speaking services.
  • We seek recommendations and advice from external experts, for example at advisory boards, and ensure they are not abused to inappropriately influence those experts.
  • We fully document the nature of each donation made by Sanofi and require from the recipient full disclosure of the donation’s appropriate purpose.

  • We ensure that access programs are compliant with all applicable laws, regulations and codes, including those pertaining to pharmacovigilance, pricing, patient data protection, and antitrust, as well as with high integrity standards related to interactions with business partners and other stakeholders.
  • We observe clear and ethical boundaries when interacting with government officials and when undertaking responsible political engagement, providing accurate and balanced information, and prohibiting inappropriate influence in public policy-setting and other decision-making processes.
  • We do not engage in any activities with stakeholders that are or could be perceived as promotional prior to gaining marketing and other necessary authorizations for our products or services.
  • We adhere to leading practices on stakeholder interactions reflected in the global, regional or local industry Codes, such as IFPMA Code of Practice and Notes for Guidance.