Discover our Code of Conduct

Committing to Society

Our approach to social impact is to strengthen, reaffirm, and amplify our commitment to society and the communities we serve. Our social impact is enabled by three efforts:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility, a company-wide strategy aligned to our long-term business strategy, designed to make a difference that can be scaled and delivering positive impact that can be sustained over time. Every part of the organization has a role to play and makes a contribution with flagship initiatives spread across the company’s value chain, from R&D to manufacturing to commercial operations
  • Global Health Unit (GHU), a non-profit enterprise that makes essential Sanofi products available in low- and middle-income countries as well as supports local entrepreneurs scale up healthcare capacity; and
  • Foundation S – The Sanofi Collective, our “Think and Do Tank” philanthropic arm that improves the lives of vulnerable populations by catalyzing community–based solutions around childhood cancer, climate action and health resilience, neglected tropical diseases, and responding to humanitarian crises by donating medicines and offering emergency aid.

How we Maximize Opportunities

  • By recognizing that our purpose includes a fundamental commitment to all our stakeholders to improve people’s health, to deliver value to customers, to invest in our employees, to deal fairly and ethically with our suppliers, to support the communities in which we work, and to generate long-term value for shareholders.
  • By increasing access to and affordability of our products and services, including through patient programs and other initiatives, we strengthen communities and their healthcare systems, particularly for the most vulnerable.
  • By proactively acting for the most vulnerable and underrepresented, we advance solutions that otherwise might not have been possible, including research for unmet needs.
  • By empowering our employees to perform local volunteer activities, we strengthen communities where we both live and work.
  • By signing up to the United Nations Global Compact, we are committed to upholding its principles for sustainable and socially responsible practices, publicly reporting on our implementation efforts since 2003.

How we Minimize Risks

  • We ensure our commitments to society deliver tangible impact with proper measurement and public reporting.
  • We value the trust that society places in Sanofi and pursue decisions at every level within our organization that aim to earn and preserve that trust, including the embedding of corporate social responsibility into our leaders’ career development pathway.
  • We listen to the patients, our employees, business partners, and stakeholders that comprise the communities where we operate to support improved and ethical decision-making.
  • We recognize that some people are more vulnerable than others and that Sanofi has a responsibility to understand and address their needs.
  • We support patient health across the world’s diverse communities and do not discriminate against a community based on geographic, social, political or other factors.
  • We do not undertake decisions to weaken our long-term development and our ability to deliver on our commitments sustainably.